흔히 받을 수 있는 피싱 메일, 스캠 메일 사례를 공유드립니다.
이런 내용의 메일을 받았다면 당황하지 말고 아래와 같이 대처하시면 됩니다.
며칠 전 받은 따끈따끈한 사기 메일입니다.
어쩌구 저쩌구.. 대충 요약하자면
당신의 브라우저 기록과 웹캠을 포함한 장치에 접속해 당신이 성인 비디오를 보는 영상을 녹화했으며
영상을 주변에 뿌리기 전에 비트코인을 보내라.
저는 지금껏 이런 메일을 5~6통 정도 받았고, 처음엔 혹시나 했었지만 구글링을 하고 흔한 스캠 메일이라는 걸 알게 되었습니다.
무작위로 협박성 메일을 보내고 누군가 얻어걸리길 기다리는 아주 흔하고 전형적인 사기 메일인데요.
주로 이런 내용입니다.
1번 메일을 처음 겪는 분들은 충분히 당황하실 수 있어요.
1. 당신의 휴대폰을 해킹하여 개인적인 영상을 보유 중이니 비트코인을 보내라.
2. 수백억 자산가인데 당신에게 투자 기회를 주겠다. 비트코인을 보내라.
지메일이든 네이버 메일이든 이런 스팸 메일들은 거의 대부분 자동으로 필터링 되긴 합니다만,
이런 메일을 받았다면 이렇게 대처하시면 됩니다.
1. 메일을 즉시 삭제 후 차단
2. 비밀번호 변경, 보안 설정(2단계 인증)
3. 사이트별로 비밀번호를 다르게 사용
간혹 이런 스캠 메일에 실제 사용 중인 비밀번호 또는 개인정보가 적혀 있는 경우도 있는데요.
이런 경우에는 즉시 2, 3번 방법으로 대처하셔야 합니다.
아래는 제가 받은 스캠 메일 전문입니다.
그냥.. 이런 식으로 오는데, 파파고를 돌려 보면 꽤나 재수 없어요.
순진한 사람들 등쳐먹는 사기꾼 주제에 훈수도 둡니다. (마지막 문장 참조)
혹시나 이런 메일을 받고 겁이 나서 메일 내용을 검색해 보는 분들께 제 글이 노출이 되었으면 해서 전문을 옮겨 봅니다.
놀라셨다면 안심하세요!
Well, hello there, my perverted friend.
I'll get right to the point.
We've actually known each other for a while now, at least I've known you.
You can call me Big Brother or the All-Seeing Eye.
I'm a hacker who a few months ago gained access to your device, including your browser history and webcam.
And I recorded some videos of you jerking off to highly controversial "adult" videos.
I doubt very much you'd want your family, coworkers, and your entire contact list to see footage
of you pleasuring yourself, especially given the specifics of your favorite genre.
I'll also put these videos on porn sites, and they'll go viral, so much so that it will be physically impossible to remove them from everywhere.
How did I do that?
Because of your disregard for Internet security, I was able to easily install a Trojan horse on your device.
which accessed all the data on your device and allowed me to control it remotely.
Once I infected one device, I had no problem accessing all the other devices.
My spyware is embedded in the drivers and updates its signature every few hours, so no antivirus or firewall can even detect it.
So now I'm just gonna give you a condition. A small sum in exchange for your former quiet life.
Transfer 1200 USD to my bitcoin wallet:
As soon as I receive confirmation of the transfer, I will delete all the videos that compromise you, remotely erase the virus on your devices and you will never hear from me again.
Agree, it's a very small price to pay for not destroying your reputation in the eyes of others who, judging by your correspondence in messengers,
has an opinion of you as a decent human being.
You can think of me as a kind of mentor who wants you to start appreciating what you have.
You have 48 hours - I'll be notified as soon as you open this letter, and from then on it's a countdown.
If you've never dealt with cryptocurrency before, it's super easy - type "crypto exchange" into a search engine, and the next thing to do.
Here's what you shouldn't do:
Don't reply to my email. It was sent from a disposable e-mail account.
Don't call law enforcement. Remember, I have access to all of your devices, and as soon as I notice such activity, it will automatically lead to the release of all of your data.
Do not attempt to reinstall your system or factory reset your device.
First of all, I already have the video and all your data, and secondly, as I already said, I have remote access to all your devices and as soon as I notice such an attempt, it will lead to irreversible consequences.
Remember that crypto-addresses are anonymous, so you won't be able to figure me out from my wallet.
Anyway, let's make this a win-win situation.
I always keep my word, unless I'm being tricked.
Advice for the future: take more seriously your security on the Internet. Also regularly change passwords and set up multi-factor authorization on all your accounts.
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